11 years ago
I noticed that every picture I post is created in other sizes occupying much space.
Why this decision?
I question the need for the thumbnails and for showroom realted post but you can not just set it out in the image?
Thanks again
10 years ago
Please, clarify the issue.
10 years ago
Every picture that I add in a post is duplicated in many sizes.
and the original image.
What can I do to avoid this? It 'really necessary?
10 years ago
This feature is provided by WordPress. It is necessary for the correct work of the theme.
10 years ago
I am using the Medicine theme and I have used the 4 showroom items below the slider. What I want to do is have this image not appear in the body content of the page it is attached to. Can you tell me where in the files and code I can change this? Thanks.
10 years ago
Crimsondog...I bet there's a less "clunky" way to do it, but here's one option:
Create one page with just the photo you want in the showroom. Make a different page with the body content (and no photo).
Download the plug-in "Shortcode Redirect" and then put the shortcode [redirect url='http://somesite.com' sec='.5'] under your photo.
Change "somesite.com" to be a link to your page with the body content. After the specified number of seconds (in this case 0.5) the person will be redirected to that page, and if it's fast enough, they won't even notice.
Thanks for asking, because this might also work for a problem I was having!